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Lapel Badges
Over 350 different lapel badges to choose from.
Navy, Army and Air Force. Men's and Women's services.
Quality enamelled badges with pin & clutch fastening.
Airbourne (Pegasus) Silver BLUE - WHITE CROSS-SCOTLAND Army Catering Corps Ox & Bucks Light Infantry : Red - Discontinued
Ox & Bucks Light Infantry : Green Para Regiment with Crown : Silver Para Regiment with Crown : Blue Parachute Wings No Crown
Prince of Wales Regiment of Yorkshire Princess of Wales Own Regiment Q.A.R.A.N.C. Queen's Own Highlanders
Queen's Lancashire Regiment A.T.S. :Kings Crown Queen's Regiment WW11 Queen's Regiment Later Type
Royal Air Force R.A.F. Regiment R.A.F. Bomber Command R.A.F. Costal Command
R.A.F. Fighter Command R.A.F. Maintenance Command R.A.F. Medical R.A.F. Police
B.A.Y.S. R.A.F .Squadron IV R.A.F. Squadron IX -Discontinued R.A.F. Squadron 100 - Discontinued
R.A.F. Strike Command R.A.F. Support Command R.A.F. Transport Command R.A.F. Women's
Reconnaissance Command Rifle Brigade Royal Anglian Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment
Royal Armoured Corps Royal Army Medical Corps Royal Army Ordnanace Corps Royal Army Pay Corps
Royal Army Physical Training Corps Royal Army Service Corps : Queen's Crown Royal Army Service Corps : King's Crown Royal Army Vetenary Corps
Royal Artillery : Gun Type Royal Corps of Transport Berkshire Regiment : Silver R.E.M.E.
Royal Engineers : Queen's Crown Royal Engineers : King's Crown Royal Engineers : 33rd Bomb Disposal Royal Fusiliers
Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Royal Highland Fusiliers Royal Horse Artillery Royal Horse Guards
Royal Irish Rangers Black Watch Royal Irish Regiment : Cap Badge Gurkha
Royal Logistics Corps Royal Marines :Enamel Royal Marines : Gold Royal Military Police
Royal Navy :Crown & Anchor Royal Navy :Coronet Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Royal Pioneer Corps
Blues & Royals : Cypher Royal Regiment of Wales Royal Scots Royal Scots Dragoons Guards
Royal Scots Fusiliers : Enamel Royal Scots Fusiliers : Gold Metal Royal Scots Greys Royal Signals
Royal Tank Regiment Royal Ulster Rifles Royal Welch Fusiliers Blues & Royals : Cap Badge
Royal Welsh Fusiliers : Cap Badge Royal Welsh Fusiliers : Standing Dragon Royal Welsh Fusiliers : Rampant Dragon Scots Guards
Seaforth Highlanders Sherwood Rangers Somerset Light Infantry South Lancashire Regiment
South Staffs Regiment South Wales Borderers Adjutant General Corps Special Air Service
Special Boat Service Staffordshire Regiment Submariners : 2 Dolphins Suffolk Regiment
Sussex Regiment United Nations : Blue Enamel United Nations : White Enamel W.A.A.F. : King's Crown
Warwickshire Regiment Border Regiment Welch Regiment Welsh Guards
West Kent Regiment West Yorkshire Wiltshire Regiment Womens Land Army :King's Crown
W.R.A.C.:Kings Crown W.R.N.S. Wrens Worcestershire Regiment
Airbourne (Pegasus) Gold CORNWALL - BLACK Buffs (Royal East Kents) Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters
York & Lancs Regiment Yorkshire Volunteers Ulster Defence Regiment R.E. Collar Badge
Fire Service Combined Operations - small Gurkha Signals Cameron Highlanders
Cameronians 3rd Carabiniers Cheshire Regiment Coldstream Guards
Combined Operations Desert Rats Devon & Dorset Regiment Devonshire Regiment
Air Training Corps R A F Dorset Regiment Airborne
Army Physical Training Corps Discontinued Brigade of Guards Coldstream Guards Duke of Wellingtons Regiment
5th Inniskilling Dragoon Guards Fleet Air Arm (oval shape) Grenadier Guards 13th / 18th Hussars
Kings Own Border Regiment 1st Queens Dragoon Guards 9th / 12th Lancers Discontinued 16th / 5th Queens Royal Lancers Discontinued
17th /21st Lancers Merchant Navy MN in Wreath Notts & Derby Parachute Regiment
Queens Lancashire Regiment Discontinued Queens Regiment Royal Air Force Royal Army Medical Corps
4th / 7th Dragoon Guards Royal Army Ordanace Discontinued Royal Artillery Gun R.E.M.E.
Royal Engineers Royal Navy Crown & Anchor Royal Navy Coronet Royal Signals
Royal Standard Royal Welsh Fusiliers Scots Guards Vth Inniskilling Dragoon Guards
South Staffs Regiment Special Air Service Welsh Guards 16 Air Assalt
29 Commando 40 Commando 42 Commando 59 Commando
Royal Dragoon Guards 1st Royal Dragoon Guards Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Duke of Edinburgh's Regiment
Durham Light Infantry East Lancashire 1st Army RED DUSTER M.N.
East Surrey Regiment Battle For Malta 1942 British Forces Germany Gulf
Nato Prisoner of War Pathfinders Badge 1942 East Yorkshire Regiment
Essex Regiment Fleet Air Arm Glider Pilot Regiment Glouc / Wilts / Berks Amalgamation
Gloucestershire Regiment Gloucestershire Regiment : Back Badge Gordon Highlanders Green Howard's
2nd Army ST GEORGE Green Jackets Grenadier Guards :Grenade
Grenadier Guards :Cypher Hampshire Regiment Highland Light Regiment Kings Royal Hussars
The Queens Royal Hussars The Queens Own Hussars 4th Queens Royal Hussars 7th Queens Own Hussars
8th Army UNION JACK Queens Royal Irish Hussars 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars
The Royal Hussars 10th Royal Hussars 11th Hussars 13th / 18th Hussars
14th /20th Hussars: Gold / Sliver 15th /19th Hussars Inniskilling Fusiliers Intelligence Corps
14th Army WALES - DRAGON Irish Fusiliers Irish Guards
Kings Liverpool WW11 Kings Amalgamation The Kings Own Regiment Kings Own Royal Border Regiment
Kings Own Scottish Borderers Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Kings Royal Rifle Corps Kings Shropshire Light Infantry
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders WHITE ENSIGN R.N. Lancashire Fusiliers 9th /12th Lancers
16th /5th Queens Royal Lancers 17th /21st Lancers : Red 17th /21st Lancers : Blue Leicestershire Regiment
Life Guards Light Dragoons Light Infantry : Silver Lincolnshire Regiment
Army Air Corps BLUE DUSTER R.N.R. Loyal Regiment Manchester Regiment
Merchant Navy : Enamel Merchant Navy : Silver Cut Out Middlesex Regiment Norfolk Regiment
Northamptonshire Regiment North Staffs Regiment Northumberland Fusilier Notts & Derby
1939-45 World War 11 1990-91 Gulf War Iraq war Afghanistan
Wounded Veteran Badge WWII Silver Wound Badge 1WW Wound Badge 2WW
1945-48 Palestine 1945-56 Suez Canal Zone 1948-60 Malaya 1950-53 Korea
1955-59 Cyprus 1959-75 Vietnam 1969-98 Northern Ireland 1982 Falklands
This Second World War Veteran's badge is a unique personal memento for those who gave so much and is equally suited as a ladies brooch. Made from Hallmarked Silver.
£17.00 Plus £2.00 post and packing.

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